26 May, 2007

Chomsky in Dublin

I just found this on Youtube, part one of five parts of Chomsky's speech in Dublin last year:

Watch the rest on Youtube:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

23 May, 2007

Amnesty International blogs its report launch

Amnesty International's Report 2007 gives the organisation's view of the state of the world's human rights. This blog gives the human side - a combination of posts by people remembering key moments in their work as well as posts about preparing for, launching and promoting the report. An interesting mix to topics and voices.

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12 May, 2007

NUJ launches Commission on Multi-Media Working

The NUJ launched its Commission on Multi-Media Working at a conference at the union’s London headquarters on 5 May 2007.

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05 May, 2007

Blogging from the NUJ's Vice President

The Vice President of the National Union of Journalists in the UK and Ireland, James Doherty, blogs his year as VP.

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03 May, 2007

Press Freedom Day: Global action needed to protect journalists

"All of society pays the price when journalists are killed with impunity and censorship and fear stifle expression. These are the conditions under which abuse of power and injustice will thrive." A major Amnesty International feature for Press Freedom Day, looking at attacks on journalists and press freedom around the world.

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